【同义词辨析】 2018-09-18 沉默silent-secretive

silent: implies a habit of saying no more than is needed: her husband was the ~ type, not given to idle chatter.

taciturn: implies a temperamental disinclination to speech and usually connotes unsociability: the locals are ~ and not receptive to outsiders.

reticent: implies a reluctance to speak out or at length, especially about one's own affairs: strangely ~ about his plans.

reserved: implies reticence and suggests the restraining influence of caution or formality in checking easy informal exchange: a ~ and distant demeanor.   demeanor=attitude态度,指由举止表现出来的态度,如本例。

secretive: too, implies reticence, but usually carries a disparaging suggestion of lack of frankness or of a will to conceal something that might be reasonably made known: a ~ public official usually stingy with news stories.    

silent沉默: 只说必要的话,taciturn少言寡语: 不喜欢说话,表现得不愿交往孤僻,reticent不愿说: 不愿说出详述, 如私人事务,reserved矜持持重: 也是不愿多说,出于慎重礼节(formality正式即礼节),避免随意轻易交谈,secretive不合理的保密、神秘: 同样是不愿多说,但暗批不坦率理应公开

记忆方法: 1)首字母STRRS忍受忍受他<==沉默是金       proverb谚语: speech is silver, silence is golden言语是银,沉默是金           ""的意思是"不说话,不出声",形声字,从犬黑声同墨,本意是1、"犬跟在人后而不出声" 引申为常用义2、不说话不做声,如默认许默哀契默写沉默默而识之 3、不闻名鲜为人知,如默默无闻默默奉献


         3)沉默的意思是说话克制mean showing restraint in speaking.首字母STRRS忍受忍受他<==沉默是金